Monday, April 11, 2011


Life is too short to carry grudges. You're going to meet hundreds, even thousands of different people along the way. You wont like all of them; not all of them will like you.

If you accept this fact, your dealings with people will be a lot easier. In the same way you can't predict whom you'll meet and marry, you also can't predict whom you'll meet and make friends with. So walk through life with an open mind ; you'll have more pleasant surprises than disappointments.

Feel truly sorry for those who regard everyone as a potential enemy until proved otherwise. If you look for the good in people, you'll encourage other to do the same with you. Very often our best friendships are with people who don't agree with everything we think; they become our friends because they stick to their guns, and have strengths and loyalties which we can admire and respect.

There will always be a handful of people you REALLY don't like. Like the man who's always selfishly parking his car in your lot. Or that ang moh boss who seems to think he knows everything. Look at them again : are they kind to their children ? Do they give up their time to help others ? Do they have a talent which you can truly respect ? Once you find their good qualities, it won't be easy to dislike them.

Remember, in times of war, the most unlikely people become heroes. Ordinary men and women , even criminals , show enormous reserves of courage and compassion. Sadly, it is so often takes a crisis to bring it all to the surface.