Wednesday, August 11, 2010

No act of love is ever wasted

Today, I was talking about you with my good friend, the universe.

Since the universe doesn’t have a mouth with which to speak, the conversation was pretty one-sided. Nonetheless, we came to the conclusion that each and every time that you expressed love – no matter how small or seemingly insignificant – you changed everything.

No act of love is ever wasted. In fact, it’s just the opposite; each act of love shakes the very foundations of time and space, and bears fruits in ways we couldn’t even dream possible.

Yesterday, someone asked me if the amount of the love in the world is increasing or decreasing. I don’t know the answer, and quite frankly – I don’t care.

I do know that the amount of love that I contribute to the world is increasing. In my humble opinion, that’s really all that matters. And the universe agrees.