Saturday, December 19, 2009

You are a DOG!

Sometimes back, a person came to me and told, "You know one thing, you are a DOG". I said, 'I am too happy as a Human Being and I have not done anything big or great to be called as DOG". It is simple; if you reverse the spellings of DOG it will become GOD. Now, whenever I pass through those big societies and bungalows and see those boards, "Dog is on Duty" or "Beware to dogs", I just cannot stop myself from smiling.

Color of this world is based on the color of your eyes, color of your glasses. The way you perceive the things; your understand, your thoughts and your experiences. Good and Bad people you will find everywhere in the world, in every country, in every society it is up to us, what we are looking for.

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